La Jetee

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm posting!

So I thought about a lot of ideas, began making a hommock, went to devils millhopper, all of these things. However, I think the photograph I took during dinner at the top is really the best. This took me an hour to do, it is far too difficult for me.
Here is my final image for critique on Thursday. (I promise the real print is less blue.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

16 project(s)

One idea that I decided to go with for the show was 16 things that you hold on to from childhood...objects/memories/ideas from your childhood that you can never seem to let go.

I also wanted to deal with the idea of not everybody has a wonderful sweet 16, some are left abandoned and with nothing.

Here are some of the images....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


some of the images I've been working with for this project

Monday, April 12, 2010

Here are a few images I am working with for the 16 project. I am working with the idea of oral fixation (my connection being that the tongue has 16 muscles and the lips have up to 16 layers of skin). In my research of the mouth and tongue, I read a lot about Freud, as well as fun facts such as the size of female lips being an indicator of fertility. So I wanted it to have sort of a seductive feel with all of the attention on the mouth.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

final project/landscape

This is my final image for my surreal landscape construction. I tried to make it look whimsical and create an other-worldly feel, as if the water tower in the background was a space ship, or portal...
Today I shot for the final assignment, "16" and this the image that I think I want to use. I addressed the project by trying to make a photograph that portrayed in a simple way the feelings I associate with being 16, such as being alone or vulnerable.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Here are a few images (it won't let me upload my others). Sorry I forgot to post them sooner. I shot half digitally and the other half with film.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I wanted to create a place that you could transport to different worlds...

one place with every place in it.

I'm pleased with the final outcome... considering the fact that you could always change something to expand the idea.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Digital Image- olga b

This project

I forgots its title, but this is my work in progress. Its the fantasy world piece. All it needs is flying people, shadows, maybe more birds and a way around that one patch where the flowers look super cheezy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Project 4

This is the image so far. I used five different pictures to create this image... trying to think of some more elements I could add.

Here is the second version with the house removed, grass added to smooth the transition, the tiger moved and birds in the sky added...

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My first idea and a very quick mock up. Not pleased at all with it and decided to re-shoot in a different more utopic (less surreal) style. Images to follow:

Thinking of transferring this river to the image below instead of a path. (Final image will be in b/w)

Use the foreground flowers to add a sense of depth to the above image.

Other options for background pictures

Back images

I'm a lil hesitant on using digital now. You have me so torn sam!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Project 4

Unmodified base images.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Project 3-destruction/reproduction

I have always enjoyed the innocence of kids emotions and actions so when I found that we were going to base our images off of famous photographs I went straight to Sally Mann's images and this is what I came up with....

I also did the migrant mother by Dorothea Lange... experimented with replacing the woman with a little girl